Current Affairs Report 8

Topic 1: President (Joe Biden)

President (Joe Biden)

Last week Joe Biden and Kamala Harris I've been ingraduated as the 46 president and 49 vice president of the USA. But this isn't all. Kamala Harris is the first woman and first person of color to be sworn in as vice president. Donald Trump was the first president in 152 years to not attend at the ingraduation of his successor.

The Parade

Normally there's a big parade. But due to corona this parade couldn't happen. Instead there was a TV show with entertaining music. The Americans did a "Party from Home"


President Ronald Reagan holds the record for the best and worst weather on ingraduation. First ingraduation on 20th January was 1937. Before ingraduation day was on 4 March.

Topic 2: In a Mine

Signs of live

10th of January and explosion had occurred in mine under still explained circumstances. Due to the explosion of the exit from the shaft spilled on the internal communication system was severly damaged. It took 30 hours for the accident to be reported at all! A after the accident, the rescue workers then heard the first signs of life from the miners cought at a depth of about 600 meters. According to the state media, rescue teams had drilled holes and heard punches against the drill string. Later the miners could send up a message asking for medicines and bandages. Later the emergency service managed to lay a telephone line to the burrid miners. On Friday it was said that it could take up to 15 days to reach the buried miners.

Rescued !!!

Eleven men out of the gold mine in China were saved. After 11 Days of the men sitting in the broken mine, finally 10 of them were rescued. For the last one the rescuers came to late. Still a bunch of workers are in the mine. But they were not found yet. The other miners were in an other part of the mine and could ot be rescued at first.