Current Affair Reports

Current Affairs Website

Current Affairs Report 1

Vienna Elections, Expedition Polarstern, iPhone 12

Created by Constantin Keschmann

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Current Affairs Report 4

SpaceX, Hein Janisch

Created by Constantin Keschmann

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Current Affairs Report 5

hight for Mount evers, rocket explodes by landing

Created by Constantin Keschmann

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Current Affairs Report 6

Beethoven, Arresting of Terrorist suspect.

Created by Constantin Keschmann

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Current Affairs Report 7

Twitter banned Trump, Blackout danger

Created by Constantin Keschmann

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Current Affairs Report 8

President (Joe Biden), In a mine

Created by Constantin Keschmann

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Current Affairs Report 2

Nasa rover made risky landing on Mars

Turtles are at risk to freez to death

Created by Fabio Radda

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Fabio Radda Current Affairs Report number3

Reptile zoo, Craters, reoyal family, astronomic things

Created by Fabio Radda

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